Sharla teaches in a small, intimate classroom setting limited to 4-6 students allowing ample time for hands-on interaction between student and teacher. Drawing techniques & instruction are projected onto a large screen TV for easy viewing.
2-day Tangle-Inspired Botanicals Workshop
Dancing with Petals and Leaves
When: Saturday and Sunday: March 21 & 22, 2020
Time: 10:30 am to 5:30 pm
Lunch: 1 hour. We go as a group to a nearby, reasonably priced location with good food.
Location: Hicks, Hicks, & Braun
1210 N. Jefferson Street Suite G
Anaheim, CA 92807
Suggested Attendees: Beginner to Intermediate Tanglers & Artists interested in developing repetitive patterning skills to use in artworks and Zentangle Inspired Art.
Refund Policy: Cancellation is subject to a $25 admin deduction.
Workshop Description:
Begin with tangle patterns, foundation strings, and move to free form design methods using Zentangle's "one step at a time" principles to dance with petals and leaves, expressive lines, shapes, and strokes that morph and evolve into curvaceous petals and blooms, patterned organics, bending blades of grass, and fantasy-scapes . . . each dancing to your unique style of creative expression that moves across nature’s stage of organic and botanical forms.
Add character to your work beyond the traditional tile by working with a variety of paper types and sizes, color shading options. Use a mixed media watercolor or monoprint background to explore intuitive marking-making informed by color. A Color Presentation simplifies color down to the essential need-to-know choices that can easily be incorporated into your daily tangle practice.
For those wanting to learn more about visual vocabulary, creative thinking cues, and the fundamentals of strong, successful designs, an immersive one to one or one of Sharla's Tangle-Inpsired Botanical and/or Expressions Tangling Retreats are recommended.